Beginning A Relationship With God

Praying woman hands

In order to begin to seek, develop and understand our relationship with God; it is important that we understand that like any relationship we need to commit to it.

I’ve learned that having this relationship means that I first have to be willing to leap into what I call my truthful self.   I need to be able to see who I truly am and speak to God with truth on our tongue, a humble heart and a surrendered mind.  Only at that point did transformation begin on my life.

A few guidelines that helped and continue to help me in my journey  I found in , and I would like to share some with you.

TIME. Set aside time.  Setting time aside for prayer; for our devotional with God is important. It begins a stability in our faith.

READ. Read a Bible passage.  Do not be intimidated by the Bible. It is only intimidating because we fear it. Let God speak to you. Read it, research it, reflect on it.

MAKE IT YOURS.  Personalize your prayer.  Your prayers  do not need to be formal. Speak to God in truth for he will only respond in truth.

ASK OTHERS TO PRAY WITH YOU. You will be surprised how many people are in search of Gods hand in their life.  Invite others to pray with you. There is power in numbers.

Do not give up.  Sometimes in prayer we feel like He is not listening. This too is normal remember this is new to you. Like anything new it will take time  become comfortable in prayer.

God Bless You